2024/5/2 A featured article “PCSEL emits at more than 300mW CW at 1550nm wavelength” has been recently published in Semiconductor Today.
2024/4/14 A featured article “THE TINY ULTRABRIGHT LASER THAT CAN MELT STEEL – Photonic crystals are the key to the brightest semiconductor laser ever” has been published in IEEE Spectrum.
2024/2/27 A paper on “Demonstration of high-power photonic-crystal surface-emitting lasers with 1-kHz-class intrinsic linewidths” has been published in Optica. This achievement has been reported by the media.
2023/12/8 Tutorial paper (in total 56 pages) on high-power and high-beam quality photonic-crystal surface-emitting lasers (PCSELs) has been published in Advances in Optics and Photonics (AOP) of Optica (previously The Optical Society of America).
2023/10/18 Fibre-amplifier-free coherent free-space FM optical communication
with a >80-dB link budget has been successfully demonstrated using
watt-class PCSELs. The result has been presented as a postdeadline
paper at the European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC
2023, Th.C.3.3) by Ishimura and Noda et al. (Collaborative work between KDDI
Corp., KDDI Research Inc. and Kyoto Univ.)
2023/6/15 A paper on “High-brightness scalable continuous-wave single-mode photonic-crystal laser” has been published in Nature.
2023/3/30 A paper on “Photonic-crystal surface-emitting lasers with modulated photonic crystals enabling 2D beam scanning and various beam pattern emission” has been published in Applied Physics Letters Perspectives, where it has been selected as a Featured Article. The paper has been also featured in AIP Scilight.
2023/3/9 An introductory video to the Center of Excellence (COE) for PCSELs has been broadcast at the March Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS)
2023/2/24 Results on the non-mechanical three-dimensional LiDAR system based on flash and beam-scanning dually modulated photonic crystal lasers have been featured in Laser Focus World.
2023/2/9 A paper on “Non-mechanical three-dimensional LiDAR system based on flash and beam-scanning dually modulated photonic crystal lasers” has been published in Optica, and also has been featured in Optica’s News Releases.
2023/1/30 Results on the analysis and evaluation of the linewidth of PCSELs have been selected as a Featured Article in Applied Physics Letters, and also featured on the cover.
2023/1/27 A paper on “Self-evolving photonic crystals for ultrafast photonics” has been published in Nature Communications.
2022/11/4 Results on high-power, high-beam-quality operation of blue-wavelength GaN-based photonic-crystal surface-emitting lasers have been published in Communications Materials (an online journal of Nature).
2022/10/19 Our work received the Best Paper Award at the 28th International Semiconductor Laser Conference (ISLC 2022).
2022/10/17 Prof. Noda gave an invited talk at the 28th International Semiconductor Laser Conference (ISLC 2022).
2022/9/22 Free-space optical communication using a lens-free watt-class PCSEL has been successfully demonstrated. The result has been presented as a postdeadline paper at the European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC 2022) by Ishimura and Noda et al. (Collaborative work between KDDI Research Inc. and Kyoto Univ.)
2022/8/11 Introduction to our activities have been published as parts of a Nature “Focal Point on Emerging Photonic and Quantum Technologies in Japan”: “New semiconductors lasers will transform manufacturing“, “Compact lasers set to drive autonomous machinery“, “Laser tech that could cut into manufacturing emissions“.
2022/8 An introduction to PCSELs, titled “Progressing the photonic-crystal surface-emitting lasers”, has been featured in Compound Semiconductor.
2022/7/29 A paper on “High-power CW oscillation of 1.3-µm wavelength InP-based photonic-crystal surface-emitting lasers” has been published in Optics Express. See also Demo5 | Center of Excellence (COE) for Photonic-Crystal Surface-Emitting Lasers (PCSELs), Kyoto University.
2022/7/4 A paper on “General recipe to realize photonic-crystal surface-emitting lasers with 100-W-to-1-kW single-mode operation” has been published in Nature Communications. See also Technology | Center of Excellence (COE) for Photonic-Crystal Surface-Emitting Lasers (PCSELs), Kyoto University.
2022/7/1 We are exhibiting our PCSEL and a small LiDAR equipped with a PCSEL at the HIGH TECH CAMPUS EINDHOVEN in the Netherlands. An introduction to the
exhibition is featured here.
2022/6/27 Prof. Noda was awarded the Japan Academy Prize.
2022/4/26 Prof. Noda gave a plenary talk at the International Conference on Laser Ablation (COLA 2021/2022).
2022/4/20-22 We exhibited a PCSEL and a LiDAR equipped with a PCSEL at the OPTICS & PHOTONICS International Exhibition (OPIE ’22).
2022/4/21 Prof. Noda gave a lecture about PCSELs at a seminar at OPIE ’22.
2022/2 Prof. Noda reported on the Center of Excellence (COE) for Photonic-Crystal Surface-Emitting Laser (PCSEL) and related technologies at the SPIE Photonics West Digital Forum. (Online movie is here.)
2021/10 CW 29W emission has been successfully realized using a 940nm PCSEL (InGaAs/ GaAs) and has been presented at the Inter-national Semiconductor
Laser Conference (ISLC 2021) by Katsuno and Noda et al.
2021/10 CW 80mW emission has been successfully realized using a 1.3µm PCSEL (InGaAsP/ InP) and has been presented at the Inter-national Semiconductor
Laser Conference (ISLC 2021) by Itoh and Noda et al. (Collaborative work between Sumitomo Electric and Kyoto Univ.)
2021/9 Prof. Noda gave a keynote talk at the 26th Microoptics Conference (MOC2021).
2021/7 Prof. Noda gave a plenary talk at the Optica/OSK/OSJ Joint Symposia on Optics 2021.
2021/7 Prof. Noda gave an invited talk at the Optoelectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2021).
2021/7 LiDAR equipped with a photonic-crystal laser has been greatly miniaturized in volume (to one-third of its former size).
2021/5 Prof. Noda gave a keynote talk at the Compound Semiconductor Week.
2021/4 Prof. Noda gave a keynote talk at the International Conference on Nano-photonics and Nano-optoelectronics (ICNN 2021)
2021/4 An image of our proposed “photonic-crystal laser enabling high-peak-power and short-pulse operation” appeared on the cover of the April issue of Nature Photonics.
2021/3 Movies on the development of photonic crystal lasers toward short-pulse and short-wavelength operations have been released to the public.
2021/3 A paper on a new photonic crystal laser enabling high-peak-power short-pulse operation has been published in Nature Photonics.
2021/3 Prof. Noda gave a plenary talk and a key-note talk at SPIE Photonics West.
2020/11/13 Development of a new photonic crystal laser chip capable of electrical two-dimensional beam scanning has been reported by foreign media.
2020/7/16 Professor Noda gave an invited talk at the OSA Advanced Photonic Congress, 13-16 July 2020.
2020/7/14 A paper on a new photonic crystal laser chip enabling electrical beam scanning in two dimensions has been published in Nature Communications.
2020/6/30 We succeeded in the world’s first development of a LiDAR system equipped with a photonic crystal surface emitting laser. (Kyoto University) (JST) ― Reported in newspapers and on television.
2019/2 Prof. Noda gave a plenary talk at SPIE Photonics West. The presentation is now uploaded on the web page of SPIE.
2019/2 An image of our proposed “double-lattice photonic-crystal resonator” appeared on the cover of the February issue of Nature Materials.
2018/12/18 A paper on “Double-lattice photonic-crystal resonators enabling high-brightness semiconductor lasers with symmetric narrow-divergence beams” has been published in Nature Materials.